When the process of buying a vehicle becomes virtual
March 29 2020,

Online shopping has taken on gigantic proportions in the past decade, and even the automobile industry is following this trend. Even though buying a car is significantly more complicated than buying a pair of pants, it is now relatively easy to shop for your future car from home. We explain how.
The opinion of the pros
Before even visiting your dealer, take the time to consult websites specialized in the automotive industry in order to properly target what your needs are and which are the best vehicles to meet them. Road tests and comparative matches carried out by experts will certainly guide you in this direction.
A tool to configure everything
When you have chosen one or two models, go to your dealer's website. It acts as a real virtual showroom. Thanks to a configuration tool, you will be able to analyze your future vehicle from all angles by changing its color in real time and seeing various interior options.
Then, a payment calculator will allow you to calculate and configure your payments. You can also compare the cost of a lease vs a purchase, modify your down payment, and change the term of your loan.
All this is done online but know that your dealer remains at your service if you have any questions throughout the process.